NaTonya Poets Page

Word Game

Lets play a word game
See if you can win
Guess the words
Get the message I'm tryin to send
I want to _U _ _ you
Our time apart has been too long
Imagine how thick I look
Lying here in my thong
I want a _ _ S _ from you
Your _ I _ _ is always so sweet
Starting at my lips….
Moving down seductively
I want you to L _ _ _ me
From my head to toe
Show how you've missed me
And how far you're willing to go
I want to play tongue games
To give you the best _ _ _ D
Show you I'm the best
Even better than "Superhead"
I want it from the back
So you can see my _ S _ clap
From the rhythmic motions
Of you going slow to fast
I want to reach my _ _ _ K
Our energy must meet
No time for play
Our mission is Ecstasy
This word game is done
Have to give it to you raw
My body needs you
Sex is the call
Get on the plane
I'll have the handcuffs and all
Cause right now boo
Inside me you belong

Written by NaTonya

NaTonya Poets Page